The Restorative Justice Program (RJP) is committed to providing community oriented solutions to UCSB students and staff through a variety of restorative practices.
What is Restorative Justice?
There is not one definition of RJ that encompasses all. Our program uses the definition of RJ to ground us in the work that we do.
"Restorative justice is not a particular program or a fixed set of practices. It is a framework for guiding our actions in large and small ways in every part of the justice system. In many ways restorative justice is a journey, more than it is a destination. If the journey is guided by the principles and values of restorative justice, the destination may be one that no one anticipated, but it will be one that serves all the stakeholders." - Kay Pranis
"Restorative justice is a process to involve, to the extent possible, those who have a stake in a specific offense and to collectively identify and address harms, needs, and obligations, in order to heal and put things as right as possible." - Howard Zehr

Benefits of Restorative Justice
Empowers Participants
RJ boosts student voices by allowing them to take initiative in resolving conflicts.
Encourages Collaborative Decision-making
Students learn to resolve conflicts as a community, eliminating one-sided resolution
Supports Community Values
By leading with humanity and compassion, RJ fosters a welcoming and understanding community
Promotes Social Justice
RJ exudes social justice principles as it deviates from a punishment-centered system which rehumanizes conflict-resolution
Who We Are
Restorative Justice Program is support by amazing UCSB staff and students.